1. Read descriptions carefully. Make sure you're getting what you desire. Crystal should say clear crystal. Simulated crystal or simulated sapphire is just that man made or manufactured. The Clip On Earring Store only offers real crystal.
2. Do you need gold or silver to match your other jewelry or look? Make sure you know at The Clip On Earring store every earring is marked goldtone or silvertone. This is a trustworthy point, anytime you read gold or silver it should be the real thing. At The Clip On Earring Store your clip on earrings will always honestly be described, so goldtone and silvertone mean just that- a goldtone or silvertone metal color. The Clip On Earring Store does have a real Sterling Silver and Gold Section if you want the real thing.
3. Read the length and width of your clip on earrings. 1 inch might be just the right length. 3 inches might be too long for you. Get out a tape measure to be sure so you'll be comfortable with your choice.
4. The Clip On Earring Store always offers lengthy descriptions. While a picture is worth a thousand words, you want the details to make sure you get exactly what you need.
5. I believe your instincts are right. Trust what you think will look good on you. Always look for the earring that you know you can wear with comfort, style and ease. You are beautiful and deserve to showcase your inner beauty.
6. Price is everything sometimes. Maybe you want to splurge..maybe you don't. www.thecliponearringstore.com offers the variety and has the largest selection of clip on earrings on the internet for an online clip earring store. You can find Swarovski crystal for $19.99 that will make you look like a goddess! The sky's the limit, when searching for your price friendly inexpensive to expensive pair of clip earrings in crystal for non pierced ears at www.thecliponearringstore.com.
While these points may seem a little technical, they're necessary when you want the perfect look. Hope this helps on your quest for a dynamite pair of clip on earrings to make you sparkle and dazzle!
Visit www.thecliponearringstore.com for more information!
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$75.99 Destination Dazzle Hoop Clip On Earirngs |
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$95.99 Smitten Goldtone Drop Crystal Clip On Earrings |
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$65.99 A Girl's Best Friend Crystal Clip On Earrings |